Yildiz Tahtacı, “MÜLKSÜZ KADINLARIN MÜŞTEREK MEKANLARI: Diyarbakır Benusen Gecekondu Mahallesi Kadın Çamaşır Evi ve Filistin (Batı Şeria) Al-Fawwar Kampı Kadın Meydanı Pratikleri”/ Spaces of Commoning of Dispossesed Women: Diyarbakir Benusen Neighborhood Laundry Center and Women Center/The Square of Al-Fawar Palestinian Refugee Camp.
Mezra Öner, “ÇÖPÜN MEKAN ÜRETİMİ: MARDİN’İN ÇÖPÜNÜN MEKANSAL VE ALTYAPI ANALİZİ” / The production of space of garbage: An analysis of Mardin’s Gargabe in Spatial and Infrastructural Perspective
Zeynep S.Akinci & Pelin Tan, “Waterdams as Dispossession: Ecology, Security, Colonization”, in Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary, Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, Lars Müller Publishers, 2016
Pelin Tan, “Decolonizing Architectural and Affective Pedagogy”, in Re-Production of Social Architecture, Edt.D.Petrescu&K.Togral, Routledge, 2016.
Pelin Tan, “Ecologies of Camps”, “Elemental Propositions”, in Let’s Talk About The Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis exhibition book, Sursock Museum, Beirut, May 2016.
Pelin Tan, “Crosscutting Spatial Ontologies”, in Positions on Emancipation: Architecture between Aesthetics and Politics, Edt.Florian Hertweck, Nikolaos Katsikis, Lars Müller Publishers, 2018